QSC – VBEF – Innovative Learning Grant

OK, so this is the last post of the day.  I just thought this was worth mentioning as this email came in as I was posting about Project Redbot.  Our 2nd grant was awarded to Arrowhead Elementary School, and it was called "Pair"fect Pets Promote "Paws"itive Virginia Choice Reading.  Mouthfull huh? This grant was directed towards children who were having trouble reading out loud.  Instead of reading to their classmates, they were "paired" with stuffed animals, to ease the tension of public speaking.  Miss Petty, where was this when I was in 3rd grade? Dear Mr. Pirrone and Mr. Culicerto,   Thank you so much for donating money for our learning grant "Pair"fect Pets Promote "Paws"itive Virginia Choice Reading.  First graders and third graders paired [...]

By |2015-06-11T21:02:00+00:00June 11th, 2015|Blog, Recent Projects, Uncategorized|0 Comments

QSC and VBEF – Project Redbot

You may remember that in November of 2014 Quality Stone Concepts in conjunction with the Virginia Beach Education Foundation underwrote a grant at the TGIF Grant Celebration.  It was called Project Redbot and the funding was directed toward 5th graders.  They were tasked to "create a proposal for an autonomous robot which performs a service."  Students had to include a working prototype to share at the RedBot Expo. Today we were thrilled to receive the following email from their teacher: Good Afternoon, Mr. Pirrone and Mr. Culicerto, Thanks to you, our entire fifth grade has been able to embrace the engineering design process as they worked in collaborative teams to build and code autonomous robots.  Because of your generosity, 125 students are leaving fifth grade and [...]

By |2016-11-02T20:26:07+00:00June 11th, 2015|Blog, Recent Projects, Uncategorized|0 Comments
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